Is this your key?

Do you recognise it?

Do you recognise it? Your key is probably one of these types. Now you know what it looks like, you have all the information you need to ask the Silca key-cutting centre if they can make a copy of your original: you’ll have a duplicate, or more than one, in a jiffy. Keep it handy for all eventualities, as a spare for emergencies or to give to someone else.

Locked out? Never again, thanks to Silca

Locked out on a windy day, or the car door’s stuck kilometres away from anywhere. No, that’s not how we want it to be. That’s why we’ve thought up an innovative idea, guaranteed by experts who can quickly give you a duplicate, wherever you are, at home or abroad. Why make copies of your keys if you’ve never lost them?
  1. Because you could find yourself in an unexpected situation where you don’t know who to turn to.
  2. Because a copy costs less than replacing the lock.
  3. Because, even if you haven’t lost it, your key could become worn over time and damage the lock.

Your keys tell who you are.

Keys can be copied, but that’s not to say they can’t be unique. Silca lets you customise them to your taste: choose your colour, different from all the others. Whatever solution you want, Silca will always have a strong, attractive key made of top quality alloys and raw materials.
See Silca customised keys in our shops

Attractive and top quality

Strong and attractive. We seek the best raw materials for our keys worldwide: they guarantee durability and are resistant to the shocks and twisting of everyday use.

Worn keys damage locks

It enters the lock and turns but opens with difficulty. A worn key should be copied before it’s too late. Even if the key still works, worn cuts eventually damage the lock. This means the key could break, get stuck or turn without opening the door, forcing you to ask for emergency service.
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MYKEYS Organizer

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L'App MYKEYS Organizer è un alleato sicuro e facile da usare. Come funziona?

  1. Scarica l'app
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  3. Fotografa e memorizza le tue chiavi
  4. Assegna una etichetta a ciascuna chiave e, se vuoi, raggruppala in mazzi
  5. Riconoscila in un attimo e soprattutto provala subito: le prime 3 chiavi sono gratuite

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  • Non dovrai più controllare ogni chiave prima di trovare quella giusta ( basta che tu la fotografi con il tuo mobile e ci penserà lui a riconoscerla )
  • Mai più dubbi nell'identificare la chiave del lucchetto della bici, o per il contatore del gas, la cassetta delle lettere o qualsiasi altra chiave
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